Eating and ClearCorrect™
January 30th, 2025
You want to straighten your teeth because you know it’ll make your smile more appealing, be more comfortable, and improve your dental health. However, eating can be a big barrier to getting braces because of all the foods you need to give up for the months or years that treatment lasts. ClearCorrect is an alternative tooth-straightening option that doesn’t make you dread your new diet while you straighten your teeth. Here’s what you need to know about eating and ClearCorrect.
Eat What You Want
All kinds of foods are forbidden when you have metal braces because they can get stuck in the wires or cause brackets to pop off. That’s not a problem with ClearCorrect because you remove your clear aligners whenever you eat a meal or snack. That way, you can eat anything you want. You don’t need to avoid the following foods the way you do when you have metal braces.
- Popcorn
- Peanuts, nuts, and seeds
- Meat on the bone, such as chicken wings and ribs
- Sticky foods, such as toffee and raisins
- Crunchy foods, such as apples and carrots
- Stringy foods, such as celery and pineapple
Since you can eat whatever you want, you don’t need to avoid your friends and coworkers because of your ClearCorrect aligners. You can hang out with friends and go to business lunches without worrying about embarrassment.
Maintain Healthy Eating Habits
You can eat whatever you want without fear of wrecking your ClearCorrect aligners, but that doesn’t mean you should toss out your healthy eating habits. Dr. Don Connolly and Dr. Stanley Sokolow and our team recommend that you:
- Eat high-calcium foods, such as low-fat yogurt and cheese, to support strong teeth.
- Rinse your mouth with water after eating to get rid of excess carbohydrates on your teeth.
- Limit consumption of sugary beverages and foods, such as candy, to keep sugar from settling on your teeth and feeding bacteria.
ClearCorrect treatment can straighten your teeth without making you give up your favorite foods or become a social outcast. Just take the aligners out of your mouth for meals and snacks and select healthy foods whenever possible, and you can enjoy yourself while your teeth get straighter.