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Eating and ClearCorrect™

January 30th, 2025

You want to straighten your teeth because you know it’ll make your smile more appealing, be more comfortable, and improve your dental health. However, eating can be a big barrier to getting braces because of all the foods you need to give up for the months or years that treatment lasts. ClearCorrect is an alternative tooth-straightening option that doesn’t make you dread your new diet while you straighten your teeth. Here’s what you need to know about eating and ClearCorrect.

Eat What You Want

All kinds of foods are forbidden when you have metal braces because they can get stuck in the wires or cause brackets to pop off. That’s not a problem with ClearCorrect because you remove your clear aligners whenever you eat a meal or snack. That way, you can eat anything you want. You don’t need to avoid the following foods the way you do when you have metal braces.

  • Popcorn
  • Peanuts, nuts, and seeds
  • Meat on the bone, such as chicken wings and ribs
  • Sticky foods, such as toffee and raisins
  • Crunchy foods, such as apples and carrots
  • Stringy foods, such as celery and pineapple

Since you can eat whatever you want, you don’t need to avoid your friends and coworkers because of your ClearCorrect aligners. You can hang out with friends and go to business lunches without worrying about embarrassment.

Maintain Healthy Eating Habits

You can eat whatever you want without fear of wrecking your ClearCorrect aligners, but that doesn’t mean you should toss out your healthy eating habits. Dr. Don Connolly and Dr. Stanley Sokolow and our team recommend that you:

  • Eat high-calcium foods, such as low-fat yogurt and cheese, to support strong teeth.
  • Rinse your mouth with water after eating to get rid of excess carbohydrates on your teeth.
  • Limit consumption of sugary beverages and foods, such as candy, to keep sugar from settling on your teeth and feeding bacteria.

ClearCorrect treatment can straighten your teeth without making you give up your favorite foods or become a social outcast. Just take the aligners out of your mouth for meals and snacks and select healthy foods whenever possible, and you can enjoy yourself while your teeth get straighter.

How to Care for Your Invisalign® Aligners

January 23rd, 2025

Is it possible to straighten the teeth without braces? Yes, it is. Welcome to the world of Invisalign aligners. Invisalign aligners are made from a clear, thermoplastic material that is custom made to fit your teeth. Unlike conventional braces, Invisalign aligners are removable. More importantly, the clear thermoplastic material makes the aligners invisible, which is ideal if the thought of metal braces and elastics make you self-conscious. For the best results, proper handling and care of your Invisalign aligners is important. Follow these steps to take care of your aligners:

1. Do not eat or drink hot beverages while wearing aligners. It's a good idea to get in the practice of removing the aligners before eating and drinking. Because the aligners are made of plastic resin, heat can distort and damage them. Also, eating while wearing the aligners will cause sugar and other food particles to stay on your teeth, which contributes to plaque and tooth decay.

2. Clean the aligner trays regularly. Invisalign aligners are exposed to the same bacteria and plaque that your mouth is, so you need to clean them as regularly as you clean your teeth. However, avoid cleaning the aligners with harsh chemicals. We recommend using a cleaning kit or some other type of specific solution. When it comes to cleaning Invisalign aligners, carefully follow the instructions given by Dr. Don Connolly and Dr. Stanley Sokolow.

3. Store aligners in a cool, dry, safe place. When you’re not wearing the aligners, store them in the case provided by our office. If you don’t use the case, they can easily be lost. Keeping them out of reach of small children and pets is also a good idea. The last thing you want is for Fido to think your Invisalign aligners are chew toys.

4. Don’t chew gum while wearing aligners. There’s one thing that conventional braces and Invisalign aligners have in common: chewing gum damages both of them.

5. Don’t soak aligners in mouthwash. Many popular mouthwashes contain a color pigment. It’s possible that soaking Invisalign aligners in mouthwash will tint or stain them.

For more tips and tricks for a successful Invisalign experience, contact our Santa Cruz, Aptos, or Watsonville, CA office!

ClearCorrect™ Benefits

January 16th, 2025

Straightening your teeth has plenty of benefits. You’ll be prouder of your smile, and your bite may feel more comfortable. You can get additional benefits by selecting ClearCorrect aligners instead of traditional metal braces. Treatment will be more comfortable, you won’t need to cut out your favorite foods, and you’ll be able to keep your teeth clean throughout your treatment.

No Food Restrictions

Among the first things you may worry about when you consider treatments to straighten your teeth is missing out on your favorite foods. This can affect your daily life and make special occasions less fun, too. The following foods are forbidden with traditional metal braces, but not with ClearCorrect.

  • Hard candies
  • Chewy foods, such as bagels and many kinds of meat
  • Sticky foods, such as fruit roll-ups, toffee, bubble gum, and caramels
  • Popcorn, seeds, and nuts, since they can get stuck
  • Hard foods, such as carrots and apples

The reason why you can’t eat these foods with braces is that they can stick in your braces, making your teeth dirty, or dislodge your braces. Neither of these is a problem with ClearCorrect because you get to remove the trays whenever you eat.

Ability to Clean Your Teeth

You can take your ClearCorrect aligners out of your mouth when it’s time to take care of your teeth. You can brush and floss normally, unlike with braces. That means that when you’re done with ClearCorrect treatment, you won’t have any nasty surprises like rotting teeth that were covered by dirty braces.

Invisible Treatment

No matter how young or old you are, you want to look your best. Teens want to fit in at school, and adults want to look professional and unremarkable. You can’t hide metal braces, but ClearCorrect treatment can be done almost in secret. The aligner trays are so close to being invisible that only your family and any coworkers or friends you choose to tell may know that you have them.

Straightening your teeth is an exciting proposition, but the thought of metal braces can be a barrier. With ClearCorrect treatment, you can get the benefits of straighter teeth without many of the hassles of braces. Contact our Santa Cruz, Aptos, or Watsonville, CA office to learn more!

Generic Clear Aligners vs. Invisalign®

January 9th, 2025

You may have a talent for home repairs. You may be able to rebuild your computer. You may even be able to put together a whole room of furniture armed only with flat-box kits and an Allen wrench. But, please—don’t try do-it-yourself orthodontics!

Now that generic clear aligners are available, you might consider giving them a try to save some money. But is straightening your own teeth really a good idea? Before you are tempted, let’s look more closely at the products and the dental science involved.


  • Invisalign clear aligners are used by orthodontists and dentists with experience in custom treatment for your smile. A 3D image of your teeth will be captured by the iTero Element® scanner. Using special software, your doctor can map out each projected shift in your teeth, and even show you a projection of your finished smile!
  • Your Invisalign aligners will be tailored to fit your teeth precisely using the 3D scan and 3D printing. They are made from SmartTrack® material, a product specifically engineered for a perfect, comfortable fit. Invisalign aligners are even trimmed to fit your individual gumline to prevent irritation.
  • When your first sets of Invisalign aligners arrive at our Santa Cruz, Aptos, or Watsonville, CA office, Dr. Don Connolly and Dr. Stanley Sokolow will check for fit, answer any questions you might have about use and care, and let you know what to look for and what to expect. Your progress will be monitored with visits every six to eight weeks. (And for parents of teens, Invisalign aligners can offer blue “compliance indicators” to let you know they are being worn the 20-22 hours a day necessary for the best and fastest results.)

Generic Aligners

  • You might be required to make a putty mold of your own upper and lower teeth, which is not the easiest thing to do well, and to take selfies of your teeth.
  • The aligners will be sent to you in the mail. They are generally made of hard plastic with generic gumlines. There will be no one to tell you if the aligners fit properly.
  • They are sometimes less expensive because there is no in-person medical supervision. A dental professional working for the company will look at the model created from molds you submit, and recommend a series of aligners to correct the problems he detects by looking at the model and your selfies. This supervisor will not be able to assess the overall dental health of each patient to make sure teeth and gums are healthy and ready to start treatment, and will not be able to tell if the teeth are moving properly or improperly once the aligners are in use.

Finally, while generic aligners may potentially have some success in minor tooth straightening, they are not created to deal with complex bite issues or malocclusions.  In fact, using generic aligners with no supervision can cause more serious dental problems than a patient started with.

Sure, sometimes a do-it-yourself project turns out well. But your teeth and bones are too important for home improvement. When it comes to creating a beautiful, even smile and balanced, comfortable bite while making sure of your dental health, it’s always best to trust a professional like Dr. Don Connolly and Dr. Stanley Sokolow to provide you with gentle, tested, and successful care!

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